Our Story

Carry Medical Accessories was founded in 2023 by Nathanael Price and Josh Davis. The company was built on the founding principle of enabling those who carry auto-injectors to live active and confident lives.

Nathanael, who has a brother with severe allergies, recognized the need for a product that allows Auvi-Q users to carry their life-saving medication comfortably, discreetly, and functionally. Using ideas and feedback from his brother and mom, Nathanael brought the idea of a device that combines these important characteristics to a business invention class.

Josh immediately recognized the viability behind this idea of a product aimed at helping the allergy community. Through a refinement of product design, prototypes, and feedback from the allergy community, the Q-Clip was created. With the idea of helping the allergy community still in mind, Nathanael and Josh decided to carry this business class project into the real world and create Carry Medical Accessories.

Our goal as a company is to give Auvi-Q carriers and parents of Auvi-Q carriers the peace of mind that wherever they go, they can comfortably and discreetly carry their emergency medication.